The Ideas

Ingress players are suggesting ideas on how to improve the game. Please review these ideas and add your comments.

You can also add in new ideas to share with other ingress players.

Idea: Capsule Naming

It has been said by many including myself since capsules came into the portal network. Allow us to rename them so we can organize farming keys. Sometimes distance organization does not allow me to have only "downtown keys" etc. This will also make it easier when with a group of agents sharing gear to figure out which capsule is meant for you before picking up so we don't have to stop socializing just to tell everyone not to drop/pickup anything. If I could rename my MUFG as well as reg caps I'd know at a glance what I'm carrying.

Idea: Camera/Interface upgrade

I've been playing Ingress since 2014. Since Pokemon Go was released (quit rolling your eyes and hear me out!), I've been in love with the way the map works in that game.

Unlike Ingress, in Pokemon, you can rotate the map with just one finger instead of requiring two, which is much easier and more intuitive (and you can do it with one hand). There is also a 3D element to it. When you zoom in on your player, you can actually see farther around you than in Ingress because the game camera moves behind the player and renders outward into Z space. I would love to see something similar in Ingress. The portals could be taller beacons into Y space instead of being constrained to a mostly flat area. Imagine how awesome that would be!

Idea: Regional Scores

I'd like the agent list on the global and regional score list to be the SUM of fields created and fields destroyed. The current system only counts MU created and does not reflect the activity that contributes to winning a septicycle.

Idea: More Weapons

This is kind of a twofer. For one I'd like to see level access specific weapons for 9-16. Now I'm not saying a level 16 nuke but at least give us some incentive for putting in the hours. Secondly some different kinds of weapons would sauce things up a bit. For instance landmines that have to be placed within so many meters of a portal that will drain when walked or driven over. Just make them about as rare as viruses or more. It would also be nice to see some weapons that are more interactive with other players. For instance XMPs that can decrease the effectiveness of another player's bursters so long as you are in range of them.

Idea: Power Cube Folding Stations

A manner to take regular cubes and fold them into Lawson or Circle K cubes. A possible example, go to a Lawson or Circle K convenience store and interface with a device that allows you to drop in 10% more than level equivalent value in regular cubes and get out a LPC or CKPC, as appropriate.

Idea: True Hacking

Create a system of circuits based on the portals mods, resonators, deployment spread, and remaining energy that allows the player to gain access to the portals CPU and subsequently rewire the portal to destroy mods or deactivate resonators. Make it challenging and fun. Another type of mini game.

Idea: Get rid of Fish Units.

MU should count for human minds only. Fish fields should not score, no matter how big they are.

Idea: Destroying dropped keys after neutralizing a portal

After neutralizing a portal it drops keys to linked portals. It would be awesome to be able to destroy the keys instead of adding them to your inventory, especially when you hunt down and destroy well linked portals. You don't really want to leave them around for the "other side" to pick up and re-link after reclaiming the portal. Instead you end up picking keys up and adding them to your inventory and then have the tedious task of recycling unwanted keys. A simple menu to "pick up key" or "destroy key" would be sweet! Thanks for an awesome game!

Idea: Weapon Tracking And Analysis

I think Niantic if they are not already doing so, should store the agent and portal that an item was hacked from, and the agent and location where a weapon was used.

Some basic data mining on this would help identify spammers selling gear, and the cheats who are purchasing the weapons.

Idea: Third Virus

I'd like to see a much rarer third virus introduced that scrambles a portal and resets the value of the "lock". This would mean that all old keys for this portal would no longer work. I think an agent should get issued 1 of these virus when they reach level 16.

Idea: Smart glasses for Ingress

I know Niantic has been looking into Smart glasses, but I think they are waiting for the best ones with the best software and technology, and not excluding the possibility of great holograms to enhance the game also. The future of AR games is going to a new high level and it is going to be awesome. Niantic will take dreams into reality

Idea: Variable Notification Sounds

The ability to choose different notification sounds for different events would be convenient to tell whether I've received a message on comms vs a portal attack. The display screen on my Motorola at least determines between an attack and message/neutralized portal but I still have to stop what I'm doing sometimes to see what's happening.

Idea: Current state of Guardian and Sojourner badges

For people who have not obtained the Oynx badge of Sojourner and Guardian should be able to see their current streak if they happen to lose their longest streak.

Idea: Recharchable Lawson PC

Make Recharchable cube as possibility to collect xmp on the way and use it later on . My suggestion is proceed as buy in store ittem or Very RARE items sold as load up card.

Idea: Elliptical Fields?

I think Niantic missed the mark when they made "CircleK" power cubes which are just a re-badged Lawson (original NOT). I think they should have used the CircleK sponsorship on a rare/ very rare Mod that allows the agent to create an elliptical field between TWO portals, the width of the ellipse being proportional to the agents level and available space without the circumference dissecting other links. L1 width maybe 10% of length up to a potential full circle for L16?

Idea: Recharchable Lawson PC

Make Recharchable cube as possibility to collect xmp on the way and use it later on . My suggestion is proceed as buy in store ittem or Very RARE items sold as load up card.

Idea: View most recent activities & alerts.

When viewing activities and alerts in-game (on mobile device), it is displayed from oldest to newest. Perhaps it could be a setting, or a button/link can be added to see the most recent entries (instead of scrolling through to the end of the list)?

Idea: Mission Badge Interface

Allow the user to manipulate the mission badges that they have earned. This would allow the user to re-organize their badges and be able to build the mosaics they have completed after the fact.

Idea: Weapon models you can actually use, agent tracker, and intel lwp (just for fun)

1) weapon models: I recently met an Enlightened agent I have a neutral pact with who also plays Pokemon Go (I don't) and he had a keychain pokeball device he uses to catch Pokemon with (the button lights up when a Pokemon device is nearby and when you press a button, the light changes to a different color which indicates your attempt to capture it and the light turns red if it got away and if you don't capture it) and it got me to thinking, "why not have something like that for Ingress?" What I mean is having an electronic model of weapons (XMP bursters mostly) that can light up if you are in range of a portal (silver light for gray portals, green for Enlightened, and blue for Resistance) and using XMP bursters fie example, you press and hold the center part down to charge it up (if you want to inflict more damage on resonators) and the piece starts glowing bight yellow and makes a bursting sound when you release it, but the light slowly dims down, indicating drainage of XM which you can recharge using your phone (using a Bluetooth or something).

2) Agent tracker: an agent tracker being added to your scanner would identity any agent (whether its Enlightened or Resistance) that is nearby. When an agent is detected nearby, your scanner will alert you by saying "*faction* agent detected nearby " and there will be an arrow icon indicating the other agent so you can decide what to do (no names would be revealed)

3) Intel LWP: this, as explained on the title, is just a bonus idea. We've all gone on Ops in-game and we would tap on Intel to see that spinning planet mixed with green and blue with that little pairvof bars on the left telling everyone which side is in the lead so why not have a live wallpaper where agents can wake up to seeing whose in the lead and its on auto update so agents can keep track of the worldwide result.

These are just suggestions, nothing more.

Idea: corona cubes in the store

ok we are told to stay at home. some of us are diehard chargers and will leave the house to gather xm. Please give us some freebies during out time of need and our time of social distancing!! Maybe 1 full level 8 capsule per day??? thanks

Idea: Portal Key Bonus Actions

Use portal keys in two new ways to enhance portals already in possession by your own team. This change will primarily help players in remote areas or in areas with limited players on their team. Use portal keys to help team members upgrade and keep their portals active. Use a portal key to upgrade an already deployed resonator. Use one portal key per resonator upgraded. Use a portal key to place a mod on a portal.

Restrictions: You must have a portal key for every action you take. Portal keys can not add resonators to an unclaimed portal. Portal keys can only upgrade existing resonators or deploy mods.

Idea: Scanner Active Location Identification

I'd like to see the scanner updated to do a lot more location identification not based on the GPS.

Thinks like:

(1) Network path identification, scanner runs a traceroute silently, and passes up the first few nodes. This is used to help make sure the data is passing through cell networks in the right country.

(2) Cell tower identification at the portals where possible.

(3) The scanner should randomly request that the agent submits a photograph of the portal.

(4) The scanner should use the front camera to photograph the agents face randomly when firing weapons. This is used to check that they are in an appropriate space and that the daylight is correct for the portal locationt

(5) Scanners should record the wifi networks near portals and use this to help identify location.

(6) Scanners should use wireless to identify nearby scanners.

I see a combination of these steps being used to identify risk. Accounts that do not pass the risk test get locked and given instructions on how to unlock them for example hacking a portal at the same time as an unlocked scanner.

Idea: Weapon models you can actually use, agent tracker, and intel lwp (just for fun)

1) weapon models: I recently met an Enlightened agent I have a neutral pact with who also plays Pokemon Go (I don't) and he had a keychain pokeball device he uses to catch Pokemon with (the button lights up when a Pokemon device is nearby and when you press a button, the light changes to a different color which indicates your attempt to capture it and the light turns red if it got away and if you don't capture it) and it got me to thinking, "why not have something like that for Ingress?" What I mean is having an electronic model of weapons (XMP bursters mostly) that can light up if you are in range of a portal (silver light for gray portals, green for Enlightened, and blue for Resistance) and using XMP bursters fie example, you press and hold the center part down to charge it up (if you want to inflict more damage on resonators) and the piece starts glowing bight yellow and makes a bursting sound when you release it, but the light slowly dims down, indicating drainage of XM which you can recharge using your phone (using a Bluetooth or something).

2) Agent tracker: an agent tracker being added to your scanner would identity any agent (whether its Enlightened or Resistance) that is nearby. When an agent is detected nearby, your scanner will alert you by saying "*faction* agent detected nearby " and there will be an arrow icon indicating the other agent so you can decide what to do (no names would be revealed)

3) Intel LWP: this, as explained on the title, is just a bonus idea. We've all gone on Ops in-game and we would tap on Intel to see that spinning planet mixed with green and blue with that little pairvof bars on the left telling everyone which side is in the lead so why not have a live wallpaper where agents can wake up to seeing whose in the lead and its on auto update so agents can keep track of the worldwide result.

These are just suggestions, nothing more.

Idea: Ingress API

I'd like to see Niantic develop an API to allow others to build tools to help game play and planning. Not to allow scraping and tracking etc. But things like inventory tracking for teams etc.

Idea: Fixing the Gear Buy Spoofing

Gear buying is an insidious practice that relies on spoofing to work. Here is my idea to combat this.

Step 1: Remove the ability to drop gear other than keys. If spoofers can't drop you gear, then you're not going to buy it.

Step 2: Change how hacking works. Instead of having the number of glyphs in a sequence linked to portal level, let players pick the number of glyphs based on the gear they're trying to get.

1= resos and cubes

2= common mods

3= rare mods

4= xmps and US

5= vr mods and lubes

The drop rate can then be linked to portal level, so a p8 will give better returns than a p1. Say you hack a p1 for a vr mod you might have a 10% chance of getting any of them. If you hack a p8 for a vr mod you might have a 50% chance of getting any of them.

Complex and simple hacks effect drop rate as well. Say +/- 15%. If you don't get 100% you get nothing but a key.

Quick hacks will give level appropriate resonators, xmps and a key, but no more than one per hack.

If you combine this system with the complete removal of viruses then it has the potential to revolutionize the way the game is played. It means you can choose to be offensive or defensive, forgoing xmps for shields and vice versa when you're hacking. This would allow organised teams to have players designated to offense and others for defense. It would still be possible to play solo but team playing would be greatly encouraged.

Idea: VR Link Breaker

I'd love to see a VR mod that limits a portal to one link out and one link in, but will destroy all other links that the link made from the portal crosses.

This would be great for mega fielding and reduce the reliance on having to clear lanes when doing so. In light of the spoofing problem, this would give incentive to making mega fields again without it taking weeks of preparation all for a spoofer to take it down 10 minutes later.

Idea: Transfer Gear Mod

I'd like to see a mod that when applied to a portal allows you to transmit gear over a random link from the portal similar to the way shards transfer. The mod should require both portals to be level 8 and have a max link length of 500km and would be time limited to 30 minutes.

I think this would encourage megafielding.