If You Are Out Playing In Bad Weather, It Means You Are A Badass.

Your Badassness is strictly limited to the last bad weather you ingressed in, never your worst weather. This rule is only superseded when you have ventured outside into hurricane conditions to take down a field that covers your country, state or city.

Created by: MeDDish - level 15

No, it means you are a dumbass. Let's say you lost control of your vehicle in heavy thunderstorm, and lose your life. Do you want your epitaph to read John Doe, lived and died playing a mobile phone game? It's all fun and games till someone gets hurt.

spaiduhz - level 16    Votes    0     1

We haven't had a close hit from a hurricane since I started playing Ingress down here is southern Louisiana USA, but when they hit I usually have a camera in my hand taking pictures, so who knows, maybe I will take a selfie near a portal during the next storm, only if it seems safe enough, I may be. Reckless but not stupid. Lol

Zanstar - level 9    Votes    0     0

We haven't had a close hit from a hurricane since I started playing Ingress down here is southern Louisiana USA, but when they hit I usually have a camera in my hand taking pictures, so who knows, maybe I will take a selfie near a portal during the next storm, only if it seems safe enough, I may be. Reckless but not stupid. Lol

Zanstar - level 9    Votes    0     0

We haven't had a close hit from a hurricane since I started playing Ingress down here is southern Louisiana USA, but when they hit I usually have a camera in my hand taking pictures, so who knows, maybe I will take a selfie near a portal during the next storm, only if it seems safe enough, I may be. Reckless but not stupid. Lol