The Tell Tale Guardian

If you have a guardian portal over 20 days old, you do not speak of said portal or even think about it. You nonchalantly recharge it, paying it not special attention. Doing otherwise is guaranteed to result in losing it.

As a caveat to this, a player should never ask another player about their guardians as it may force them to break this rule.

Created by: Motasaurus - level 14

I think as an extension to this, a player should never ask another player about their guardians as it may force them to break this rule.

caff31n3 - level 12    Votes    4     1

I lose mine regardless :(

Tinkerthecat - level 9    Votes    1     0

You're paying it too much attention. Getting a guardian to 150 days is a lot like flying. It's all about the distraction.

Motasaurus - level 14    Votes    2     0

people just data scrape them. odds are if you dont alredy have it, you will not get it. dosent really matter if you talk about it or not. truth